GreenWay DNA iskustva 2025

  • Zdravlje & Wellness
Napisao Patrick Zuercher 11. ožujka 2020.
  • Zdravlje & Wellness

Determine Your Ideal Dosages for THC and CBD

GreenWay DNA Review

GreenWay DNA opens up a new market with a DNA test that gives you a complete picture of your endocannabinoid system. It is one of the first companies to offer such a test to suggest your ideal doses of CBD and THC (the active constituents of cannabis) to treat various conditions such as insomnia, chronic pain, and anxiety.

The endocannabinoid system is the cell-signaling system that plays a role in regulating a wide range of bodily functions such as sleep, mood, appetite, and memory. It’s active in everyone’s body, even if they don’t use cannabis. The two primary cannabinoids in cannabis are THC (psychoactive) and CBD (non-psychoactive).

This is the test for you if you are interested in starting cannabinoid treatment but don’t know how to determine the right CBD and THC doses for you. After all, people react to these chemical compounds differently. But the research is ongoing, and GreenWay DNA aims in the future to determine the right doses for additional conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and epilepsy.

Read on to find out if you should take the GreenWay DNA test!

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Saliva Filled Tube Instead of Cheek Swab

The test is as easy as 1-2-3. Order the kit, collect your DNA sample using a simple cheek swab (and insert into the stabilizer solution), then sit back and wait for notification that your clinical level results are ready.

GreenWay DNA Review

There are a few more steps, such as activating your kit online, but these are detailed in the instructions that come with your kit.

While this company’s homepage suggests you’ll receive your results in two to four weeks, some of the other pages suggest a wait of six to eight weeks, which is a little confusing.

Either way, you’ll receive a high-level report that’s easy to understand and act upon, plus a handy wallet-sized card with your recommended doses to take with you when you shop for cannabis.

What Makes GreenWay DNA Unique?

  1. The Pioneer of Endocannabinoid DNA Tests

GreenWay DNA is one of the first companies to offer this sort of test, which is paving the way to cannabis-based wellness determined by DNA. This head start has allowed GreenWay DNA to perfect its methodology that involves testing 40 genetic variants.

  1. Clinical Level Analysis

While other brands claim to be just as good as clinical level analysis, GreenWay DNA’s US labs are CLIA and CAP-certified for genetic testing. This high level of scientific testing is critical if you are looking to make health and medical decisions to improve your life.

  1. A Report for Laymen and Medical Practitioners Alike

The first part of the report quickly explains the findings and offers recommendations that can be acted upon immediately. The second part of the report provides more detail about the underlying science. GreenWay DNA recommends discussing your results with a medical professional.

  1. Wallet-Sized Recommendation Card

The neat wallet-size card is also a neat feature. You can take it with you when you go to buy the THC or CBD to treat your condition. The card includes different dosage recommendations for whether you are looking to treat pain, anxiety, or insomnia.

  1. 100% Data Control

Data security is essential. GreenWay DNA believes you should be able to decide for yourself what data about you is stored, and where. This company promises that “At GreenWay DNA, you are in 100% control of deciding what information you want us to store.”

Other Test Kits Available

GreenWay DNA currently does not offer any other DNA kits. However, it is in discussion with other companies about offering broader wellness tests and reports in the future.

See Greenway DNA Deals

Similar Tests to Consider

The science of cannabinoids and the related health benefits is still in its infancy, so there seem to be only two competing companies at the time of this review: GrowthCell and Endocanna Health.

Both competitors only offer one test (just like GreenWay DNA) at a higher price. However, Endocanna also allows you to upload your raw data from a past DNA test (AncestryDNA, 23andMe, FamilyTreeDNA) for a significant discount.

Know Your Ideal Dosage in Less Than Eight Weeks

Two to four weeks after taking the test (or six to eight weeks, depending on which part of the vendor’s website you believe), you’ll receive your results via email.

You get a pretty, printable PDF divided into two parts:

  1. A high-level report, which tells you your ideal dosage and ratio of THC and CBD for different conditions
  2. A more in-depth scientific report, which tells you the genes that were tested, and your variants of those genes

You’ll have no trouble understanding the first part of the report, but the second part might require some interpretation by a medical practitioner:

GreenWay DNA Review

The very first page of the report contains the most important information – your ideal dosages – which is also what you will see printed on your wallet card:

GreenWay DNA Review

See Greenway DNA Deals

One Product, One Price

GreenWay DNA keeps things simple. There is one product at one price, which you can pay for with PayPal or any major credit card.

Although the checkout includes a drop-down list of almost every country for shipping, the company’s VP of Operations confirmed that the tests are currently only available in the United States due to customs issues.

In comparison, GrowthCell’s test kit costs a bit more, but it also provides a wider range of results (or is not as focused). You can only buy it if you’re located in Canada or the US. The more direct competitor Endocanna Health also costs more, but allows you to upload raw data from another DNA testing service.

You’ll Need to Wait for an Answer

You can only contact GreenWay DNA via its contact form, which I used to ask a question about whether the CBD results alone would be useful to a UK customer (for example) where THC-based products can’t be bought.

The reply came three days later to tell me that the tests are currently only available in the United States:

GreenWay DNA Review

While waiting for the reply, I read the limited list of FAQs to see if any of them answered my question(s). If your question is general, this information may be sufficient. Otherwise, it’s likely that you’ll be waiting for a more detailed response.

GreenWay DNA Review

Can Cannabis Improve Your Health?

Recent research regarding the potential health benefits of cannabis is definitely intriguing. If you’re looking to treat insomnia, anxiety, or chronic pain with cannabis, this test will help you get started. You receive a report on your ideal dosage and ratio for CBD and THC, along with indications of how you can consume it and where to get it from.

Just keep in mind that this information will only be useful if you can buy CBD-based products (likely) and THC-based products (less likely) in your country.

See Greenway DNA Deals


Can marijuana change your DNA?

Yes. While THC doesn’t change a person directly, it alters the DNA of men’s sperm, just like regular cigarettes do. What consequences come with that is still unclear, but men in their child-bearing years should carefully consider the use of THC.

What makes GreenWay DNA unique?

GreenWay DNA provides the right dosages in mg for specific medical conditions. Other vendors, like Strain Genie and Endocanna Health, only give you general advice about a dosage ratio. Currently, GreenWay DNA only offers dosage advice for sleep disorder, chronic pain, and anxiety. In the future, they will also feature diseases like PTSD, Cancer, Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, and others.

How many vendors test genetic predisposition to marijuana?

Nowadays, the DNA testing competition in regards to marijuana is big. Some offer to find your ideal plant strain, others your ideal dosage, and others show your genetic predisposition. GreenWayDNA focuses on specific dosages for specific diseases.

How can a GreenWay DNA test benefit you?

Greenway DNA provides you with the exact dosage of THC and CBD in mg to treat the symptoms of sleep disorder, chronic pain, and anxiety. When you start using cannabis to treat a disease, you can only estimate your dosage. This can be frustrating as you can either get too high or you don’t feel any improvement. Greenway DNA eliminates the guesswork.

Who should consider taking a GreenWay DNA test?

Short answer: anyone who wants to start using medicinal marijuana. In the report is a wallet-sized card you can hand to a vendor and get your ideal product. You can also take the report to a physician and use it to make a customized treatment plan together.

Ocjenjujemo dobavljače na temelju rigoroznog testiranja i istraživanja, ali također uzimamo u obzir vaše povratne informacije i naše komercijalne ugovore s pružateljima usluga. Ova stranica sadrži partnerske veze. Learn more.
Patrick Zuercher
Patrick Zuercher
Patrick Zuercher
I’m Pat. I run a fine little creative writing shop called Devilscopy. It grows brands with devilishly handsome writing. With DNA tests, I love that you can learn more about yourself in so many different ways. You can learn about your history, your health and even living family member you may never have heard about. I’m glad we got acquainted. Now, on you go reading, my friend!

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